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  6sigma critical to the success of the project is in many ways depends on the application of a flexible tool for all stages of DMAIC. 6Sigma get hold of the tool is for each Black Belt Green Belt and the basic requirements; only have all the tools to master the skill can be different for each project, different tools will be the best combination of components, fast and efficient break the bottleneck to achieve the purpose of improving the 6Sigma breakthrough.

Tool Name

Tool Briefing

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Define stage


Customers of the process outputs (products or services, etc.) or opinions of the request; the most common are customer complaints.

1. To help the project team to understand what should be improved
2. To help the project team to identify key elements of the quality of CTQ.


The impact of the project, product or service a key element; customers through CTQ measurements, will be able to determine whether the eligible product or service.

Can be vague and abstract customer requirements into specific measurable indicators.

Project description table


Comprehensive planning of the project forms; include: the role of the definition, the question of; to improve the goals, the project benefits, plans and resources.

The definition of each item in the nodes and links, tracking the progress of the project.


Process flow chart


The use of certain symbols will be out of the actual process icon in order to identify possible variables.

Can improve the process to have a comprehensive and unified understanding; help the project team to determine the course of all the controllable and uncontrollable variables, as well as all the defects that may arise.


Value stream analysis is to identify the value stream approach, first of all, according to the product family as a unit to draw the current value stream map, and then analyze the customer's point of view of the need for an event.

Analysis of the value used in production processes, that is, shipments from suppliers to play until the customer receiving the entire value stream analysis and improvement.


Description suppliers, input, process, output and customer relationship

Help team members on process improvement projects have a basic understanding and to clarify the relationship between 5 aspects.

Benefit calculate

Estimated the potential benefits of the project.

Help project team to overcome the resistance, to fight for more resources to enhance the enthusiasm of the members.

Measurement stage

Minitab introduction

A statistical learning software

6sigma management for all stages of data processing requests for a convenient solution, the use of statistical methods easier.


It uses mathematical methods of statistics and graphs of the error of measurement system analysis to assess the measurement system to be measured for suitability for the parameters and to determine the measurement error of the main components of the system.

Assess and improve the reliability of measurement system to enhance the quality of measurement data.


Measurement of discrete data analysis

The result of measurement is not to arrive at a measured value, but to arrive at a visual or subjective judgment, the situation of measurement known as the discrete data analysis.

There is no continuity in the formula for calculating the need for different attributes and a representative sample, analysis of different reasons, people from different samples to determine as far as possible to achieve 100% consensus.

Process capability analysis

Characterization of processes to meet customer specification requirements.

Ability evaluation process; if a small deviation of the process, produce essentially all the normative requirements of customers, the ability to prove the process.

Fishbone diagram

It is a structured method used to identify defects or potential causes of process deviations.

To help find 6 categories deviation: persons, machines, materials, goods, law, Central clearly.



It is a team that a lot of ideas have a lot of living to identify the possible reasons for the problems of the method in a short time.

Help the team to find out as much as possible the process could lead to defects or to the reasons for deviation.


Priority matrix

It is a group for screening variables (input variables and process variables) methods.

To help screen out the greatest impact on the output factor, measured in the analysis phase of the use of these data for analysis.

Sampling plans


For different conditions, how to sample, the number of samples taken from the implementation plan.

It can not be measured in all of the products or services, it is necessary to sample and process to understand the overall situation.

Process flow chart

The use of certain symbols will be out of the actual process icon in order to identify possible variables.

It can improve the process to have a comprehensive and unified understanding; help the project team to determine the course of all the controllable and uncontrollable variables, as well as all the defects that may arise.

Variable summary

Listed process input and process variables that may be.

Help the team understand the possible variables and to avoid missing important variables.

Time series chart

Sampling from the process, the data carried out by the time series chart.

Help the team understand the data over time; the process is how to change.

Control chart

In the time series chart with a statistical method used to draw the Line of control is the control chart.

It can understand the overall trend of the process to see if the effects are special reasons.

Frequency chart

Help to understand the value of probability of occurrence of different graphical tools

It can understand the scope of the data; different frequency values; the distribution of characteristics, whether or not abnormal; process can meet the requirements of customers.

Pareto diagram

It is a graphics tool helps us understand the importance of different parts.

It can be seen through the graphics of different types of defects and their impact on the size.

Process capability and performance index


Characterization of the process is to meet customer specification requirements.

Characterization of the process through the index to determine the deviation of close to meeting the requirements of the degree of customers. If a small deviation of the process, produce essentially all the normative requirements of customers, then the course of the process capability and performance index on the high; the other hand, is low.

Analysis stage

Hypothesis testing

It is used to analyze the two groups or whether there are differences between the groups as a statistical tool.

Analysis of these data the difference is usually the result of, or caused by special reasons.



By analyzing a variety of process, the elements of the process of failure modes that may arise, analyze the causes, the possibility to assess its impact can be detected and the severity of a first method of prevention.

Through the adoption of precautionary measures in advance, rather than after the correction, this can reduce the risk and avoid or reduce losses.


Correlation and regression analysis

To quantify the relationship of  self-independent variables X and Passive variables Y each other.

1. In the given conditions X, Y value of the corresponding projections
2. By adjusting the size of X to the Y value to obtain better results.

Multivariate analysis


It is used to display and analysis of multivariate data graphics tools, can help us better understand the process deviations.

1. When need to look for opportunities for improvement;
2. When need for a large number of factors, the exclusion of non-critical part of, the project focus to the middle of important factors.

Scatter diagram

Between two continuous variables of the relationship, graphical forms of graphics tools

It can be detected by the study between the two communities the existence of continuous variables related to each other.


Process capability analysis


Express the process to meet customer specification requirements.

Process evaluation ability; if a small deviation of the process, produce essentially all the normative requirements of customers, the ability to prove the process is strong.

Frequency chart

Help to understand the value of probability of occurrence of different graphical tools

It can understand the scope of the data; different frequency values; the distribution of characteristics, whether or not abnormal; process can meet the requirements of customers.


It is to be tested scientifically and reasonably, from a number of factors to identify the test results to have a significant impact factor.

Through a small number to test the number to get the most information and the adoption of statistical methods to obtain information on the analysis so as to arrive at the key impact factor and impact.

Improvement stage





It is to be tested scientifically and reasonably, from a number of factors to identify the test results to have a significant impact factor.   

Through a small number to test the number to get the most information and the adoption of statistical methods to obtain information on the analysis so as to arrive at the key impact factor and impact.

Process capability analysis


Express the process to meet customer specification requirements.

Process evaluation ability; if a small deviation of the process, produce essentially all the normative requirements of customers, the ability to prove the process is strong.

Multivariate analysis


It is used to display and analysis of multivariate data graphics tools, can help us better understand the process deviations.

1. When need to look for opportunities for improvement;
2. When need for a large number of factors, the exclusion of non-critical part of, the project focus to the middle of important factors.

Priority matrix

It is a group for screening variables (input variables and process variables) methods.

To help screen out the greatest impact on the output factor, measured in the analysis phase of the use of these data for analysis.

Method of voting

Improvement in a variety of programs, select the best solution method.

Through the use of the majority of people in general; a small number of people against it; one vote; reach a consensus vote to choose the best option.

Test run

When the program of work to improve after the first implemented within the framework of a small rather than large-scale promotion at the same time.

Effect on improving the program to test and confirm; understanding of the process that may be encountered in the difficulties and risks; for future large-scale promotion of the accumulation of experience.


Through establishing plan in advance, ready for the corresponding increase in the required time to the possibility of the task.

In relation to staff, departments, when there are many; have time limits; once failed, greatly affect the circumstances, the plan must do a good job.

Error prevention

It is a method control error, and to eliminate defects.

To ensure quality and reduce the number of accidents, it is necessary to as much as possible to avoid any possible errors.

Stakeholder analysis


Encounter in the course of the project to promote the biggest problem is caused by human factors; there is a need for relevant analysis of the attitude of staff, and take immediate measures to ensure that work can proceed smoothly.

There is a need for analysis when the project involves staff from different departments, process and progress of the project team with the promotion of the need.


Control stage


It is a method of mathematical statistics with process control tools.


To help the project team to analyze the production process of evaluation, based on feedback information to detect signs of systemic factors, and take measures to eliminate its effects, making the process to maintain only influenced by the randomness of the controlled state, in order to achieve the purpose of quality control.


Process flow chart


The use of certain symbols will be out of the actual process icon in order to identify possible variables.

Can improve the process to have a comprehensive and unified understanding; help the project team to determine the course of all the controllable and uncontrollable variables, as well as all the defects that may arise.


The course of the operation of the project and an agreement between the managers, it provides work is, and how these should be completed.

It can regulate the operation of the staff as the basis of staff training can be used as the standard review process.


Control plan

It is a description of the process should be to monitor and control the point of the document.

Control plan can be expressed clearly in the process of Department of checkpoints, checking the contents to check the frequency of measurement and record that is going to determine the standards, measures to deal with the content.

Control chart

In the time series chart with a statistical method used to draw the Line of control is the control chart.

It can understand the overall trend of the process to see if the effects are special reasons.

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